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Notification management

Stay on top of your merchant account with instant notifications sent directly to your inbox. With Amazon Payment Services you can customize your notification stream to achieve the right level of detail, ensuring that you're kept abreast of critical changes in the performance of your merchant account.

What notifications can I receive?

You can configure your notifications to deliver as much or as little notification messages as you require. We also allow you to customize the notifications that your customers receive when you process a transaction.

Finally, you can set up custom notifications that alert you when your transaction processing metrics exceed specific thresholds.

Note that the notifications discussed on this page are intended to alert you to broader developments in your merchant account. Notifications are not intended to flag issues with individual transactions. For more about handling transaction responses read our page on response handling here.

Merchant notifications

You can set an alert for a range of activities on your account -- including successful transactions and failed transactions. Notifications can be sent to a single email address or you can choose to send notifications to several key personnel.

To customize merchant notifications simply go to the Account Setup screen and select Notification Management.


Figure Setting up transactions notifications to your email address

Custom notifications

While your web and mobile application may already issue notifications to your customers confirming the status of transactions, you do have the option to request that Amazon Payment Services also directly send transaction alerts to your customers.

You can send your customer a notification when any of the following events occur:

  • Purchase Success

  • Authorization Success

  • Capture Success

  • Refund Success

  • Void Authorization Success

  • Purchase Failure

  • Authorization Failure

  • Capture Failure

  • Refund Failure

  • Void Authorization Failure

  • Invoice

Access the notifications settings for your customers under Account Setup and Notification Management.

Custom monitoring alerts

You can configure a custom monitoring alert that lasts for a specific period of time. Customize your alerts and make sure that you are instantly informed when the KPIs that matter to your business fall outside expected limits.

Doing so enables you to monitor for specific problems according to set criteria and thresholds -- useful for debugging tricky issues, or to alert you to a developing situation.

For example, you can set an alert that notifies you when the attempts success ratio (ASR) drops below a specific percentage.

To set up a customer alert navigate to your profile image on the top right of the back office screen, select Monitoring Alert Config, and click Add Config. Amazon Payment Services support alerts across email, SMS, and voice.

Figure Configure a custom monitoring alert

Get in touch

Getting stuck with notifications? Any questions? Get in touch with the Amazon Payment Services team. Just message our support team at

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