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Standard merchant page integration

Your customers can effortlessly check out and pay right on your website when you integrate the Amazon Payment Services inline frame (iframe) into your checkout page. We call it the standard merchant page integration route.

Our iframe-based payment integration route is easy to implement. It means that, with little coding effort, you can offer your customers the ability to check out and pay on the website that they know and trust.

When you use the standard integration route you remove the need to redirect your customer to the Amazon Payment Services website when they pay. Instead, your customer completes the entire checkout process, including payment, on your website.

This unified experience reduces the risk that your customer abandons their shopping cart. You also retain more control over the transaction flow.

When should you use standard merchant page integration?

The standard merchant page integration route is a good option for ordinary ecommerce websites that follow a standard checkout process. Consider the common scenario where checkout and payment occur simultaneously, and where payments are once-off.

In other words, you can adopt the standard merchant page integration route where there are no unusual use-case or technical requirements.

Note that you can customize the iframe-based form used for standard merchant page integration to fit the look and feel of your site. However, for maximum customization or unique technical challenges, you may want to consider the custom merchant page integration route.

Standard merchant page integration is mobile-friendly, but if you have an Android or iOS app we recommend that you consider our mobile SDK instead or that you custom-code your in-app payment experience by directly connecting with our APIs via the custom merchant page integration route.

Don't forget: we have dedicated integration guides for all the popular ecommerce suits including Magento, PrestaShop and WooCommerce. If you are using one of these popular products you should read the relevant guide instead.

How does it work in practice?

Standard merchant page integration makes use of an HTML iframe that contains the payment form fields. To integrate Amazon Payment Services into your checkout page you simply need to insert the iframe into the appropriate area on your checkout page.

It is straightforward to include an iframe on your checkout page. You develop your site just like you normally would, using the web technology of your choice. There is no need to change the look and feel of your merchant site: you can customize the iframe to match your site.

Simply include a reference to the Amazon Payment Services iframe in the position on your checkout page where you want to accept payment cards.

In practice, standard merchant page integration using an iframe works like this:

  1. Your checkout page displays an integrated Amazon Payment Services iframe that looks just like the rest of your website. Your customer sees the iframe as just one section of a single, continuous page.

  2. The customer completes their payment details on the payment page, on your site.

  3. Your webpage sends the payment card details directly to Amazon Payment Services without handling or storing the payment card data.

  4. The Amazon Payment Services server receives the card details and attempts to authorize the payment.

  5. Amazon Payment Services sends a confirmation to your checkout page so that you can complete the transaction.

The above process illustrates how your customer experiences a smooth, flawless checkout process contained in a single website -- even though your web server never handles, manipulates or stores payment card data.

Note that you must correctly and adequately handle transaction feedback when you implement standard merchant page integration. Every payment transaction that you process will trigger a response -- and your website must be able to interpret and respond to the transaction feedback. Read more about transaction feedback here.

Payment workflow

Standard merchant page integration gives your customer a seamless experience. But what happens in the background? This is the workflow when you use standard merchant page integration:

  1. Your customer begins the checkout process on your website.

  2. The payment page, with integrated iframe, is displayed on your site.

  3. Your customer enters their card details into form fields contained in the iframe, on the payment page, on your site.

  4. Your webpage captures the payment card details and directly passes the payment card details to Amazon Payment Services -- your server never receives, handles or stores payment card details.

  5. Amazon Payment Services verifies that the card details are correct.

  6. Next, Amazon Payment Services creates a unique token for the transaction and sends the token to your payment page.

  7. Your payment page receives the token and creates a record on your server with the token name to facilitate the transaction flow.

  8. Your payment page sends a JSON request along with the token to Amazon Payment Services.

  9. If your customer's bank uses 3D Secure, and if a check is required, your page will receive a 3D Secure URL (3DS URL) from the Amazon Payment Services server and a response indicating that 3D Secure verification will take place:

    i. The payment page redirects the customer to the 3D Secure Access Control Server (ACS) to verify card enrollment.

    ii. Your customer enters their authentication data on the ACS page.

    iii. The ACS attempts to authenticate the customer's data and sends the authentication results to Amazon Payment Services.

  10. Amazon Payment Services completes the operation based on the 3D Secure response.

  11. The result of the payment authentication attempt is sent to your server.

  12. Your server confirms or pauses the transaction accordingly.

👆 If you included a token in the request sent to us (by using the token_name parameter), and if the token you provided has already been associated with an successful authorization, Amazon Payment Services will render an iframe that displays the customer's masked payment card number and expiry date instead of rendering blank card number and expiry date fields.

👆 When we refer to any of: payment processing page, payment form, or payment details form we are always referring to the payment page on your site. In other words, the area on your website where your customer entered payment details.

Safe (Tokenization) and standard merchant page integration

Tokens are critical to the functioning of standard merchant page integration. When your customer enters their payment card details we issue a unique token name associated with your customer's payment card details. By referring to this unique token your server can complete the transaction without capturing or storing your customer's sensitive card data.

You can also use tokenization to make life easier for your customer after the first transaction. If you implement tokens correctly your customer will not need to enter their full payment card details every time that they shop with you. Instead, your customer only completes the card security code when checking out.

Note that your customer must opt in to the retention of their payment card data, if they do not do so they would need to enter their full payment card data every time they shopped.

Read more about tokenization here, including a full explanation on how to incorporate tokenization in your payment processing and how you can enable your customer to update saved payment card data.

If you implement tokenization fully the payment process for future transactions will look like this:

  1. Amazon Payment Services processes the first payment successfully by authorizing a transaction based on the full card details as entered by the customer.

  2. You, the merchant, receive a unique token, token_name, in the payment response. This unique ID, token_name, is the permanent token name. You can use token_name whenever your customer pays in the future. Simply submit token_name in the next transaction alongside the card_security_code parameter.

  3. The next time your customer checks out there is no need to display the full payment page. You only need to capture the card security code from your customer.

If your customer needs to update or delete their payment card you can facilitate their request. View the Update Token section of this guide.

Understanding the difference between standard and custom merchant page integration

We offer you two in-page payment integration routes -- the standard route that utilizes a pre-built iframe, or a custom route where you code your own form to capture payment data.

Both options avoid redirection: your customer checks out and pays on your site. Similarly, both integration routes imply that your server never receives, handles, or stores confidential payment card data.

The standard merchant page integration route renders a pre-built iframe that is contained in your checkout page. It is a great way to get payment processing integrated into your website with relatively little development time -- while still offering your customers a checkout experience that matches the look and feel of your site.

For most merchants the standard merchant page integration route offers sufficient customization options. It is easy to adapt the standard merchant page integration iframe to match the look and feel of your website.

In contrast, custom merchant page integration means that you must custom code your own payment processing form using the tools available in our API. That said, the custom integration route gives you more control over the look and feel and functionality of the payment form.

If your site has unique customization needs or technical characteristics you may want to choose the custom merchant page integration route to build a payment form that meets your exact requirements.

Whichever route you choose, standard or custom, the Amazon Payment Services server always handles payment card data. Our merchant page integration routes do not require your server to receive, process or store payment card numbers or other sensitive data.

Choose standard merchant page integration when:

  1. You need a fast way to deliver a customized, seamless checkout experience
  2. You want to use an Amazon Payment Services payment form that is encapsulated in an iframe
  3. You have standard payment processing requirements
  4. You have limited access to developer resources

Choose custom merchant page integration when:

  1. You have access to a deep pool of development resources
  2. You want to create your own payment form
  3. Your technical requirements are unique
  4. You require a very high degree of customization
  5. Your business logic or use case is unique

Understanding the difference between merchant page integration and redirection

When you use standard merchant page integration you design a checkout page that is hosted on your website. Next, when you render your checkout page, you include the Amazon Payment Services iframe on that page. The iframe is displayed inside a page on your site and your customer enters payment card details on that page.

To process a payment, you use a form action to send the details your customer entered on your checkout page to Amazon Payment Services. The details are authenticated by the Amazon Payment Services server. Based on the token response, you can complete the checkout process for your customer.


With redirection you authorize a customer's payment by redirecting the customer to an Amazon Payment Services gateway page for payment.

To process a payment your website displays a checkout page where your customer agrees to a total amount to pay. When your customer clicks the pay button your customer is sent to a payment page on the Amazon Payment Services server where your customer's card details are captured and authorized. On completion the customer is redirected to the merchant site.

We offer more details on how to process payments using redirection here.

Integrating an iframe into your payment page

If you decide to use standard merchant page integration using an iframe you need to select whether you want to use the testing endpoint while you verify functionality, or whether you want to use the live endpoint to process customer payments. Read more about testing here.

Either way, our iframe integration gives you a lot of flexibility. You can code your site in the programming language of your choice, all you need to do is to include the Amazon Payment Services iframe on an HTML-based checkout page.

Customizing your iframe payment form

You can customize the merchant page integration iframe so that it looks just like the rest of your website. By styling the Amazon Payment Service iframe you can mirror the look and feel of your website, giving your customers a seamless experience.

Styling the iframe requires the use of CSS files. You need to set CSS classes inside a .css file to achieve your styling goals. If you are new to HTML and CSS you can visit this link to learn more about HTML and CSS.

Amazon Payment Services offers a set list of CSS classes that you can use to style the basic payment page. This list will give you an idea of what you can customize, but refer to our full API reference for complete details:

  • Define the total width of the form container and the background style with the Wrapper class

  • Define the form shape and width with the Container class

  • Define error messages with the Popover class

  • Merge the date and the CVV fields into one block if you need to using the Half-container class

  • The container of each single input field is in the Input class

  • Define your submit button with the Pay class

  • Change the color of the Visa / Mastercard image with the Visa / Mastercard classes.

The Amazon Payment Services back office includes a template section that makes it easy to upload customized iframe code:


Figure 3 Use the Payment Settings page to upload an iframe for your payment form

👆 You can create multiple theme files so that you can switch freely and easily between themes when necessary. Theme files offer you the flexibility to change the look and feel of your page.

👆 Theme files can be uploaded in the back office using the Payment Page Template screen.

Form submission and response

The form contained in your iframe will submit a request in a form post. This request will contain the required parameters -- visit this page in our API reference for a list of parameters.

Go to the full API reference

This page is intended to help you understand how the standard merchant page integration route works. Developers should review the full API reference for complete instructions on how to implement standard merchant page integration including a full list of parameters and the relevant endpoints.

Need further help?

If you get stuck feel free to get in touch with the Amazon Payment Services team. Just message our support team at

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