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Website integration

Want to start accepting payments on your website? Great! Amazon Payment Services gives you three convenient options. Alternatively, if you use one of the popular pre-built online shopping suites, you can easily add payment processing through our product-specific integration tools.

All website payment integration routes offer you the ability to accept the same broad selection of payment methods. However, each integration route has specific advantages, so read the descriptions below and take a moment to consider your requirements before you choose.

Standard merchant page integration

Standard merchant page integration from Amazon Payment Services uses an HTML iframe to insert a customizable payment form right into your checkout page. It is easy to integrate into your existing website and offers your customers a seamless experience.

Merchant page integration means that your customer completes a payment form on your website, your customer is not redirected to a different site. Choose standard merchant page integration for a fast way to add an integrated, seamless payment experience to your site.

Read more about standard merchant page integration here.

Custom merchant page integration

Amazon Payment Services also offers you the option to build your own payment form to directly connect with our payment processing API. It is called custom merchant page integration. The custom route means that you build your own payment form that captures payment data and that directly submits that data to Amazon Payment Services for payment authorization.

Custom merchant page integration is a good choice if you want the highest level of on-page customization, or if your ecommerce use case has unique technical requirements.

Read more about custom merchant page integration here.

Redirection to payment gateway

An alternative way to add payment processing to your site is to redirect your users to our server for payment processing. Redirection does not offer your users the same seamless experience compared to merchant page integration because it involves a redirection step to a separate website. However, redirection still offers a safe, trusted way for your customers to pay.

Consider redirection if you have a unique use case or technical barrier, or if you want to make minimal changes to your site code. Otherwise we recommend standard merchant page integration for a better customer experience.

Read more about redirection to payment gateway here.

Amazon Payment Services offers effortless integration with most popular ecommerce suites. Whether you use Magento, PrestaShop, Shopify or WooCommerce you can quickly start accepting payments via Amazon Payment Services.

Visit this page for more information and product-specific integration guides.

PCI Compliance

Note that, if implemented correctly, all four integration routes we describe below imply that sensitive payment card data is handled exclusively by Amazon Payment Services. Your site never receives, handles or stores payment card data.

Instead, the integration routes described on this page involve a form action that directly submits payment card data to Amazon Payment Services. If you implement any of the integration routes on this page and if you do so correctly your website should not be required to pass PCI compliance standards.

Get in touch

Any questions about which website integration route to choose? Just get in touch -- email the team on for advice on integration routes and best practice.

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