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Plugins for popular e-commerce suites

Connect the online shopping platform that supports your e-commerce operations to the powerful payment processing capabilities of Amazon Payment Services thanks to our flexible SDKs.

Each SDK comes with a clear guide with easy to follow instructions that will help you connect your website to our trusted payments platform.

It is a simple way to add reliable, frictionless payment processing to a range of popular ecommerce platforms. Your customers seamlessly step from shopping to checkout and payment, all contained inside your existing platform. Plus, you can customize our plugins to match your needs.

Supported platforms

Amazon Payment Services provides gateway SDKs for the following services:

Please follow the links below for the integration guide:

Download our SDKs

For each service listed above we provide plug-in code via a GitHub repository plus complete documentation. We also offer integration packs for PHP.

Any questions?

If you get stuck with our shopping platform SDKs feel free to get in touch with the Amazon Payment Services team. Just message our support team at

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