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Custom mobile API integration

You can give your customers a flawless in-app mobile payment experience by using our mobile SDKs (IOS SDK, Android SDK, Flutter SDK ,React Native SDK )as each SDK contains prepackaged code that helps you integrate in-app payments with relatively little effort. In-app payments are a far superior way to handle mobile payment processing as it removes the need to redirect customers to a mobile browser for payment.

However, as an alternative solution you can use custom merchant page integration route we offer for web-based payment which require more development effort and skills as you will be using web services for your Android or iOS app.

How does custom mobile payment integration work?

Amazon Payment Services offers a range of APIs that enables you to connect to our payment processing capabilities. Instead of using a standardized integration method such as our standard merchant integration or one of our mobile SDKs you can choose to code the integration yourself.

That is similar to the process we outline for website integration on the custom merchant integration page in this guide. You can use the tools we outline on our custom merchant integration page to develop an in-app payment experience that connects directly to the Amazon Payment Services APIs.

Note that if you choose the custom integration route the full responsibility of developing a working payment processing workflow rests with your development team as you need to code the payment processing connections and workflow from scratch.

What is the benefit of custom integration vs. SDKs?

There are two key benefits to custom-coding your in-app payment integration which you must take into account when choosing between integration based on the pre-packaged SDK, and custom coded integration. First, you can offer your customers a slicker experience by finely tuning your mobile integration to exacting specifications -- in contrast to the slightly more rigid nature of our mobile integration SDKs. However, there is a second important consideration. Whenever you update your app you need to re-submit your app to the Google Play Store (Android) or the App Store (iOS). Importantly, any updates made to the Amazon Payment Services SDK will require an update to your app. By consequence, any updates made to the Amazon Payment Services SDK will mean that you must re-submit your app for review in the relevant app store. We would generally recommend that you choose option which fits your need as we offer customization in both options to create your own payment page. You can view the full API Reference for custom merchant page here and Mobile SDKs in this page.

You can view the full API reference on this page.

Get in touch

Any questions on which mobile integration route to choose and whether custom coding is the best option for you? Just get in touch -- email the team on for advice on integration routes and best practice.

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