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Working with payments

Integrating payment processing into your application is just the first step. In this section we discuss key concepts you need to understand to be able to successfully handle more complex payment processing requirements.

Learn how tokenization works and how you can manipulate tokens, understand how to process recurring and offline payments, and get full insight into payment operations. We also cover some of our unique services including Collect, an automated invoicing capability; as well as our batch processing capabilities.

Understanding tokenization

We use tokenization to give your customers a better user experience while also reducing the need for you to handle sensitive financial data. Get an overview of tokenization, and learn how to perform operations on existing tokens -- or how to create a token as a distinct step in the payment workflow.

Also read more about unique tokens, an important tool for merchants that want to exercise close control over the use of a single payment card by multiple customers.

Payment operations

While straightforward payment processing implementations seamlessly execute transactions in the background, many merchants require closer control over the payment process. You can read more about individual payment operations including authorize, capture, void, and refund.

All merchants need to understand how to handle the results of a transaction request. View this page for more details on handling transaction feedback.

Finally, at times you may have the need to find out what the status of a transaction is. For example, where your server disconnected and did not receive the transaction response. You can use the check status command to verify the status of a transaction.

Offline, recurring, and batch transactions

Amazon Payment Services offers a range of flexible options if you need to process repeat transactions, or where you need to process transactions that occur offline. You can also batch process transactions or automatically generate invoices.

Recurring payments

If your need to accept regular, recurring payments from your customers you can easily do so using our standard API. For example, you can easily set in place a regular subscription payment for a streaming service, or a payment that facilitates a regular donation.

You can effortlessly set up secure, recurring payments for any defined billing cycle -- whether daily, weekly, monthly, or annual. You do so through a workflow that is not much different from the normal checkout process.

Read more about recurring payments here.

The MOTO channel

Sometimes transactions occur offline. You can easily process transactions that do not occur on your website or in your mobile app using the MOTO channel.

Similarly, you can use the MOTO channel to process transactions where your customer has already performed one successful transaction -- but without asking your customer to verify their card details when the second transaction occurs.

Read more about the MOTO channel here.

Batch payments and invoicing

Whenever you need to execute many similar transactions simultaneously you can take advantage of batch processing capabilities to process a large volume of transactions by submitting a single instruction. Read more about our batch processing capabilities here.

One batch process your business may benefit from is our Payment Link service. You can easily send your customers an invoice that includes a convenient payment link using the invoice generating capabilities of Amazon Payment Services. Read more about Payment Link here.

Trusted channel

If you are PCI compliant you can rely on Amazon Payment Services as a secure payments partner. Use the payment card data that you already hold and securely submit that data to Amazon Payment Services to process transactions effortlessly and efficiently.

Read more about the trusted channel here.

Get in touch

Payment processing can be complex. No matter how unique your use case is you can reach out to us for support. Just email the team at

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