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Mobile integration

You can offer your customers a mobile-friendly shopping experience thanks to Amazon Payment Services' range of mobile payment processing tools. Effortlessly enable mobile shopping experiences -- whether it's mobile-friendly checkout on your website, in-app payments, or Apple Pay.

Mobile payment integration routes

You have four options to add mobile-friendly payment processing to your website. Each option has pros and cons and you should carefully evaluate your requirements, the needs of your customers, and your access to development skills before choosing.

Mobile-friendly website checkout

Don't have an Android or iOS app? You can facilitate seamless mobile-friendly payments by making use of our standard or custom merchant page integration. However, you must make the effort to customize your checkout experience to fit responsive design objectives. Doing so ensures that mobile users can easily access and use your payment form on small-screen devices.

You can read more mobile-friendly website checkout here.

Custom in-app payment integration

If you have developed an Android or iOS app for your business we highly recommend that you use our mobile SDKs (IOS SDK, Android SDK, Flutter SDK ,React Native SDK)

However, as a second alternative you can use custom merchant page integration route we offer for web-based payment which require more development effort and skills as you will be using web services inside your mobile application

In-app payments using our mobile SDKs

Easily integrate native, in-app mobile payments right into your Android/iOS or hybrid mobile applications by using the Amazon Payment Services mobile SDK. Integrating in-app payments using our SDKs reduces your coding effort, allows you to customize your in-app payment experience, and avoids inconveniencing your customers with redirection to a mobile browser. You can cover our supported SDKs (IOS SDK, Android SDK, Flutter SDK ,React Native SDK).

Redirection to mobile browser

In some cases, even where you have a native mobile app, you may choose to redirect users of your mobile app to view a payment page in their mobile web browser.

Indeed, in the past, redirection to a mobile browser used to be the accepted way to complete mobile payments. However mobile redirection offers a poor user experience and for this reason this payment integration method has fallen out of use

We recommend that business that have established mobile apps do not resort to using mobile redirection for payment processing. However the option is available to you if you wish to do so.

Get in touch

Any questions which mobile integration route to choose? Just get in touch -- email the team at for advice on integration routes and best practice.

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