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Getting Started

Welcome to the Amazon Payment Services API documentation. In this guide, we illustrate how simple it is to start accepting payments on your website, and in your mobile app.

We outline customization options, cover the key security features of Amazon Payment Services, and explain how you can obtain real-time reporting data via our dashboards and API.

Do you have unique or complex payment processing requirements? Read our section on working with payments to see how you can use Amazon Payment Services for everything from recurring payments right through to batch invoicing and manual payment processing.

We also explain how you can customize Amazon Payment Services to meet the payment, currency, and language requirements of customers in different countries thanks to our localization capabilities.

Finally, this guide explains how Amazon Payment Services accommodates unique use cases. Including a pass-through service for 3D secure, working with PCI-compliant merchants as a billing partner, and how merchants can use our API to mine payment data.

How to use this guide

This API documentation is intended as a guide to help your business understand the features and the benefits of Amazon Payment Services. By reading this guide you will gain insight into the characteristics, functionality, and business logic of each of the different services that we offer.

We target this guide at readers in decision making and business roles and at developers who require a high-level overview of Amazon Payment Services.

This guide is not intended as a complete technical reference guide. Developers that are integrating Amazon Payment Services into a website or mobile app must consult the API reference for full technical details.

What's covered in this guide

This guide is split into six key areas:

Getting Started

A summary of Amazon Payment Services, including how to sign up and your options for testing your integration.

Integrating payment processing

All the essential information you need to know to start accepting payments on your website or mobile app.

Working with payments

Read about payment concepts including tokenization and the different payment operations. This section also covers more complex requirements including recurring payments, invoicing, and batch processing.


In this section, we cover topics including language selection and how to deal with foreign currencies. We also explore local payment methods in more detail.

Security and risk management

Understand how our anti-fraud service works and how to integrate advanced fraud protection. We also cover 3D secure transactions, including pass-through.

Back office tools

See how you can get complete insight into your payment processing operations through our back office, or how you can use our API to mine payment data. Also learn how to fine-tune notification settings.

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