Welcome on board

Thank you for watching the video for website/mobile app requirements.
We are in the second part of the onboarding requirements “Company Legal Documents”. This process is pretty simple, the requirements are basic company documents which are readily available with you.

Legal documents

Watch this video till the end to get all information for the required company documents.

Quick glance about the Legal documents requirements

When signing up for a merchant account it is common for a Payment Service Provider and acquiring banks to perform a Know Your Customer procedure also known as “KYC”. This is to ensure compliance with applicable laws, regulations and policies. The process involves verification of the ownership structure of your company irrespective of the legal status, weather sole proprietorship or multiple owners / shareholders, if you are a public joint stock company (PJSC) or government owned etc. The required company documents may vary depending on the company legal status and its ownership structure.

These documents include but are not limited to:
  • Valid commercial license
  • Identification documents such as National ID / Passport / Visa copies for the owners /shareholders, directors and the appointed signatory of the company
  • Memorandum / Articles of Association (MOA/AOA) or any legal documents that disclose the ownership structure of the company
  • Company proof of address
  • Memorandum / Articles of Association (MOA/AOA) or any legal documents that disclose the ownership structure of the company
  • Power of attorney
  • If a shareholder/owner is a corporate entity and registered locally it is a must to provide documents in relation to the parent company including but not limited to commercial license, MOA/AOA and Identification of the shareholders / owners.
  • If the parent company is registered offshore other requirements apply consistent with jurisdiction where such parent company is based, including but not limited to i) Certificate of Incorporation ii) Certificate of Incumbency / Board of Resolution / Register Agent member or any legal documents where shareholders / Owners / directs are declared iii) iv) Passport of Shareholder/Owner.
You can always refer the Website requirements
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