Grow your business in Saudi Arabia with STCPay

Sign up for one of the most popular stored value digital wallets in KSA, stc pay, with Amazon Payment Services
Generate more sales with Buy Now, Pay Later

Accept more payments and grow your customer base

With stc pay on Amazon Payment Services, you can now reach millions of stc pay customers including the unbanked*
*Over 8.5 million customers as reported by stc pay

Easy integration with Amazon Payment Services

Get a hassle-free experience when you enable STC Pay with Amazon Payment Services that integrates seamlessly with your website or mobile app, with our assistance and technical support.
Nourish your business with insights

Increase sales with a seamless checkout experience

Get more sales by offering your customers an easy way to make purchases via a digital wallet.

How to integrate STC Pay

Apply for STC Pay wallet through Amazon Payment Services and let us take care of onboarding you.
Accelerated integration is available for merchants using shopping cart plugins (Magento and WooCommerce) or iOS/Android SDKs.
Enable STC Pay via Amazon Payment Services and have a consolidated payments dashboard to track all your online payments in one place.
Give your customers a hassle-free experience to make purchases.

Protect your customers

Explore more ways to give greater payment freedom to your customers

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